Engine Balancer
Sunnen balancers can be used for a variety of cranks, including single cylinder, inline four, V6, V8 and large diesels - even industrial applications such as pumps and compressors.
VR-7000 Centerless Grinding Valve Refacer
Features a patented centerless grinding system that is so accurate it produces concentricity to within .0004" (0,010 mm). It is the ideal heavy-duty grinder for small, high performance valves performing a variety of operations including valve facing, chamfering, and butt grinding. |
VGS-20 Valve Guide And Seat Machine
The VGS-20 is built to take on everything from subcompacts to big diesels. This big, tough and fast machine allows you to set up and run any head up to 48" (1220 mm) long in record time. |
Resurfacing Mill
Resurfacing equipment will give you the ability to machine deck surfaces, cylinder heads and blocks to correct flatness and surface finish. Designed and built to industrial machine tool standards and provides extreme precision. |
Flywheel Grinder:
Grinding Applications:
Automotive flywheels and pressure plates
Diesel and Industrial Flywheels
Racing floater plates
Brake Rotors |
AXE Equipment set an industry standard by introducing the first complete closed looped spraywasher cleaning system. This system gives engine rebuilders the benefits of wet cleaning in a zero discharge fashion. |